Saturday, November 15, 2014

Newport Opera House Program Event in Village of Newport New Hampshire

Newport Opera House Program Event in Village of Newport New Hampshire

By Dale Baker
Blog Editor
Published on Saturday November Fifteenth 2014

Folks the Newport Opera House will be hosting and sponsoring the #National Geographic Giant Map of Asia program on the following dates.

Monday the Seventeenth of November 2014 between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.

Tuesday the Eighteenth of November between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. and then between 6:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M.

Wednesday the Nineteenth of November between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M.

Folks this map allows folks to walk each of the Asia Countries and to be able to visit the Landscape which each of them offers. This program event is Free of charge for you to attend, but the #Newport Opera House is asking for folks to please give a donation of food for the Local Food Pantry!

Those folks which would like more information are asked to please call the Newport Opera House in the Town of Newport, New Hampshire phone number of 603-863-2412 The National Geographic Giant Map of Asia measures Twenty Six Feet by Thirty Fifth Feet and is designed as a giant game board.

Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections is not endorsed by the Newport Opera House and does not have an official or unofficial affiliation with the Newport Opera House.

Folks this blog posting has been published in-order to be a helpful public service for folks which are living in one of the many different mighty fine Town, Village communities and the one Small City community which helps to make up Sullivan County New Hampshire, plus all the mighty fine communities which make up both the State of New Hampshire and the State of Vermont.

You'll also find this blog and the many different posts on it have also been published to be a convenient spot for those folks which will be relocating or have actually already relocated to either the State of New Hampshire or the State of Vermont of the New England Region in-order to be in the know of the different event activities which take place for folks to enjoy attending around this area and through out both the States of New Hampshire and the State of Vermont.

Plus its for those folks out there which are wanting or needing to find a helpful blog which offers them different kinds of posts of helpful information and upcoming posts which has to do with Homes and Commercial Property Real Estate for folks like yourself to find.

Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections sure does want to say Thank You mighty kindly for taking the time to stop by to pay a visit to this little ole New Hampshire and Vermont Blogging Homestead! I sure do want you to know that you sure are the most important person too the success of this blog!

Folks I sure do extend an invitation to you too come back to visit my blog often and for you to feel free to have your family and friends stop by to both enjoy reading and learning from the information which is published on the Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections Blog for folks such as yourself.

This little ole information blog was started to help folks back in the year of 2010 in-order to find helpful information on a wide range of subjects!

Happiness sure is Homemade
Have a good one
Dale in New Hampshire

Newport Opera House Program Event in Village of Newport New Hampshire

Folks I sure do want to say Thank you mighty kindly for stopping by to visit, read and leaving a comment on this here little ole blog post here at my Blogging Homestead!

Local information of the State of New Hampshire and the State of Vermont, which has been posted by Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections.This blog post is number 245-which has been published on this day of Saturday the Fifteenth day of November 2014, posted at 10:52 A.M. Eastern Time in-order to help folks like yourself to know of a mighty fine event, which is to be held in the Town of Newport in the State of New Hampshire.

With in my little ole New Hampshire blogging homestead, folks like yourself enjoy finding mighty helpful tips, events taking place in both the States of New Hampshire and Vermont, plus Relocation Information for both the State of  New Hampshire and the State of VermontWhen you are looking for a Energy Audit or Commercial Property Inspection Company. Then you'll want to take the time to consider Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections, which is the Company that cares about folks and their family!

Disclaimer: The information herein may come from various sources, deemed reliable, it could very well change without any kind of notice. Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections does not guarantee or is not in any way responsible for the accuracy of the information in this blog and the information provided is without any kind of warranties, either express or implied.

This here blog is not at all intended to offer folks any kind of Legal, Tax or other such advice.The information on this blog represents the opinions and ideas of the author; comments left by others may not express the views of the author. Copyright 2014 By Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections-all rights reserved.

Copyright DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Federal Law) typed words content, photos, Graphics and Videos by Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections, all rights reserved and may not be reproduced without the written permission of Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections. If Permission is granted, you will need to link back to my blog providing your site is appropriate for all ages. Property and Copyright 1980-2014 by Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections. Thank you mighty kindly for respecting my creative expression and not plagiarizing.

Folks each of the below Website links have been set to open into a new window for your convenience, because I know your time is very valuable.

In order to leave a comment, click on the Red Colored Blog Post Title. It will open the post, and you will find the comment box at the bottom of the blog post. If you have click on a link which I have provided you to my blog post, you do not need to do the above.

Notice: All comments are moderated which are left for my posts. There have been a lot folks adding a link within the comments they leave. Any comment which has a link in it for self promotion will not be published, unless I have okay it before hand. Thank you mighty kindly for being understanding!


  1. dale,
    Another interesting program in your area. National Geographic map concerning Asia will be loaded with information and opportunities for learning. Have a great week.

  2. Howdy and afternoon Bob my friend, folks sure should both find it interesting and be able to learn some new info by attending one of the 3 three days of this event of the National Geographic Giant Map of Asia taking place at the Newport Opera House. Bob has this Map program been to Katy?

    Happiness sure is Homemade
    Have a good one
    Dale in New Hampshire
