Thursday, April 19, 2012

 Compass School Students are presenting a Film Festival this evening in Westminster Vermont, folks come to show your support of this mighty fine young folks, and to have a mighty enjoyable time. 

This evening of Thursday the 19th of April 2012 Compass School is holding its 8th Annual Student Film Festival, which is scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. Compass School is located at 7892 US Route 5 in Westminster, Vermont, which is just South of Bellows Falls, Vermont. A dozen of the 11th and 12th graders attending the Compass School have spent the past six weeks studying different films, writing screenplays, and have produced their own short films for folks to enjoy watching.

Compass School Students are presenting a Film Festival this evening in Westminster Vermont
, the low low admission to enjoy their mighty fine Film Festival is only a suggested $3.00 donation. That sure is not a lot for folks to be able to show their support to these mighty fine young folks for the work they have put into and to present their Film Festival, for folks to enjoy.

Have a good one
Dale in New Hampshire

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  1. You have posted awesome news, keep it up. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you mighty kindly for visiting and leaving a comment.

    Have a good one
    Dale in New Hampshire
